Wardown Park Cleanup

Showcasing Luton's Community Strengths.

Saturday 3rd July ~ 10.30 am to 12.30 pm

Volunteers from Chantry Primary School #GreenTeam and Sufa-Tul-Islam Mosque combined forces to blitz the litter in Wardown park

The threat of thunderstorms didn’t deter these intrepid groups. After the obligatory group photo and health and safety reminders in the car park, we split up walking in a clock wise direction around the park.

Group Photo to start the event.

During the cleanup we had several engagements with members of the public, including Scott Eastwood the Community Engagement Manager from Luton Borough Council, who was so inspired by the groups he went home and removed the weeds and litter from part of his street!

The groups stopped to talk with the Luton Model Group Welcome (lutonmodelboat.co.uk) who were involved in a major project to improve a section of the lakeside.

Luton Model Group, stopping their har犀利士 d work to renovate a section of the lake side.

Sufa-Tul-Islam, left us at this point after all their efforts.

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Chantry Primary Green Team, continued on

Heading on to the path besides the park on New Bedford Road.

Green Team on New Bedford Road.

Before finally heading back through the park, to well deserved time in the Play area.

Just as we were packing up for the day, our friends from Luton Borough Council arrived to collect all of the full bags collected by everyone. THANKS.

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