Showcasing Luton's Community Strengths.

New Group in Northwell

A new group has been formed in Denmark Close in North Luton. After consulting樂威壯 the residents a number have agreed to get together regularly to tackle the Litter, Fly-Tipping, Weeds and Overhanging bushes in their area. The next event is Thursday 5th August, Starting at 6 pm. Watch the events calendar for all future dates…
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Clean Up

Winsdon Hills Mega Event

Saturday 25th September, starting at 10 am. DATE CHANGE! Meet at Felmersham Court LU1 5SW. Come and join the mega clean-up event, to showcase what the Luton Community can achieve when it comes together! Looking to bring together groups from schools, religious organisations and community groups from across our town to blitz an area, that…
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Clean Up

Stopsley Common Clean up

Saturday 31st July. 2 pm till 3 pm To celebrate #Love Park高仿 s Week, and to respond to a number of comments on Facebook and NextDoor regards the litter left after the Cricket. It wasn’t so much damp, more sodden. With heavy rain the preceding days the chances of anyone playing cricket were very hopeful…
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Chantry Primary Green Team tackle Vauxhall Way!

This was set to be their greatest test yet, Sunday 18th July, the sun was baking down, it was the hottest day of the year so far, as they got out of their minibus for the health and safety discussion and collected their tools. This wasn’t going to just be another litter pick, this time…
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Brownies 28th June

It was a murky evening when members of the 2nd Luton Brownies gathered outside the Stopsley Community Garden. But this didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of this group, determined to make a difference. They searched high and low for litter as we walked down St Thomas Rd. Eventually ending up outside Stopsley High School. Before moving…
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